Saturday, 20 February 2010

First of all please have a look at the photograph and see/think what you think/see.

A chance combination of whin bushes, snow, wind, earth from an early ploughing, come together and create something that it's hard not to see as a beast with dark coat. I added two simple strokes with a stick to complete the image. Quite reminiscent of palaeolithic cave-paintings, where the artists often used convex forms in the rock to suggest animal forms & outlines.

Uncle Donnie's Theory Part One: we have the capacity to create expectations which configure our perceptions much more efficiently than we commonly notice. I would go further, m'lud, and assert that without such an astonishing facility to project (or, as some might allege, imagine), we would spend all day trying to make out the most obvious and common sights, sounds and who the hell is that in my bed?

Coming shortly, the Meaning of Meaningfulness. Homework: Do you believe in the colour blue?
- Just a theory.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. Great image.
    2. I agree with the expectations/perceptions theory - just check any article in the Daily Mail, or statement by His Greatness, Sir Ian Wood.
    3. I believe in it but only in the plural.

  3. Thanks, yes, the innate projection system, as I think I will call it, and see how long the scientific journals take to adopt the term, lends itself all too well to the creation of belief systems of every sort. See my post on meaningfulness, which I believe is just around the corner.

  4. It’s fascinating to know that a collection of cells creates more than the sum of its parts. It all supports my "position" that people should focus on context / scope / relativity... I'd like to fix the woes of the world first, before people start getting bent out of shape creating more problems because their imaginary friend is the best, or how deep does the hole go, or how many atoms are in my soup. Luxurious competition – you know, the kind of crap that people (‘westerners’) do because they don’t have to “survive” anymore.

    Entropy is the enemy of "life" so if the woes of the world were fixed, we wouldn't have struggle, energy, disharmony, change - the key to "experience"...which is why we are interested in living! ho ho... deeper and deeper.

  5. i would start by getting rid of TV, so rubbish couldn't be communicated to the catastrophic detriment of normal development in children. There would be a high opportunity cost of that, as there's a lot of good stuff there too, but the malignant effects of watching TV go deep as far as development of social behaviour, basic compassion and language are concerned. I would move on to restoring local control of government & NHS, with teams restored and encouraged. All references to basic human hard-wiring / co-evolution.....

  6. More about blue...

  7. Oh yes. Yes. Animal. Yes.
